4 Important Reasons Why You Should Attend A Community Education Class

By | May 21, 2023

When did your learning stop?

Think about that for a second….

When you left high school or college, did you also leave your attitude of being a life-long learner because you “did all you were supposed to do and passed” and didn’t want to cram anymore information in the space between your head?

If that is the way you think… for shame!

It is time to look at how people better themselves continually through life and I want to encourage you to be a life-long learner. School is not out yet. It won’t be until you leave planet Earth.

“The test and the use of man’s education is that he finds pleasure in the exercise of his mind.” -Jacques Martin Barzum

It does not matter when you left school, or what age, coming back is easy to do.

Some people want to come back to school to get their high school GED’s completed. It’s a fact that not having a high school diploma or GED limits the opportunities a person has, whether in the work place or simply a social bias.

We’ve all heard of the people in their 90′s going back to school, simply to prove that they had what it takes to be a high school graduate. These people are life-long learners – and young at heart. Many of them would tell you that their biggest regret is not completing their education sooner – if they can do it, what’s stopping you?

Others see the need for learning specialized skills on niches or subjects to help a trade or profession. Everyone is aware we are in the computer age. Whether you’re a car mechanic or a bank teller – the technology is changing faster than ever.

Taking a class to keep your skills current allows you to be on the cutting edge in your profession. You’ll be the person others go to with their questions – encourage those people to take classes. Everyone will benefit!

Then there are simply people out there who want to exercise their brains constantly, who are always up for new challenges, who love to attend seminars and workshops in their local communities to be human beings, which lead to better communities to live in.

Community Education is all over the place, in just about every major pocket of the population, there is a center, a school or a location for people to congregate and continue to learn.

Here are 4 Important Reasons why You should attend a Community Education Class to Enrich Your Life.

1. Get Out of the House and Make New Friends! In some communities there are hundreds of weekend or day classes. The networking and relationships made in that environment can lead to lifelong friendships.

How exciting would it be to find others that share your passion for calligraphy? Who knows, your new skill set could lead to offers of employment – and you’ll get paid for doing something that you love! Find others to share your love of scuba diving and plan a vacation in the tropics. Taking a class can enrich your life, your pocket book and your social life!

2. Learn a Skill or Trade You Need to get Updated. Do you enjoy gardening, construction, travel, doing taxes? You can get updated techniques, and further your proficiencies while taking lessons from the seasoned vets.

Many of these classes are inexpensive, and offer hands-on, real life experiences. Taking a class can also fulfill a dream that you might have always had – learn how to arrange flowers and impress your friends and family with your creations. Learn sign language and work with local organizations to meet the needs of the deaf community. Take a risk and learn how to swim – no one is ever too old to learn a new skill. You just have to be willing to take the first step!

3. Fun Rich Multimedia Course Content. New learning models take advantage of cutting edge web technology that can create an interactive learning environment to achieve true accelerated learning. Students can not only interact with each other in dynamic group situations but also correspond individually with classmates and professors throughout their courses using the internet and also through rich media content. No more overhead projectors with erasable ink, we are talking high tech.

Many people have a fear of failing, or think back to a bad experience they had in school. Well, all of that has changed. The goal for today’s learners is to learn – and instructors have a completely different mind-set when teaching. Let go of any experiences you may have had in the past – today’s teaching is all about you – and your success.

Several classes are offered on the internet – which allows you to take the class when it’s convenient for you. Busy with your children all day? Take the class in the evening, when it’s your time. Working full time but still want to learn a new skill? Sign up for a class that you can take on the weekends, with no pressure. You can go as fast or take your time when completing many of these classes. Again – the classes are designed for you – take advantage of this change – you won’t regret your decision!

4. Get Your Degree Fast. With some accelerated programs, you’ll be empowered to earn your degree quickly.

You can earn an Associates degree or Bachelor’s degree in 13 months or a Master’s degree in just 10 months in some schools.

Recent articles have shown that even Ivy League schools are offering more and more classes online. Do something for yourself – be a role model to your family. The important thing to remember is that learning never stops – keep yourself active and challenge your mind, your body, your spirit – whatever the need is – take that first step.

You’ll be proud of your accomplishments – and who knows, maybe you’ll be teaching your new skills to others. What a great world we live in when we all benefit from learning from each other. Everybody wins! What are you waiting for – school’s in session – don’t be late!